Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My Inspiration

Your probably wondering what inspires me, the smart, intelligent, and intrguing Candido Martinez and the answer is simple, my mother. My mom is the most simple and obvious reason for me being the person I am today. She has raised us, my four sisters and I, single handidly since I was 9 years old and she has done such an outstanding job at it too. She has gotten already 3 of her kids, including me into college, and just has one more to go. Maybe hearing that she raised 4 kids by herself makes you think that we must've had a hard life, but if you were to ask any of us we would tell you that a great life is what we had and thats all thanks to who i consider to be the greatest women alive.

My mother did everything for us and that was even when she was still with my father. She completely and entirely dedicated her life to taking care of us and not only that but to giving us anything that we could ask for. When she separated from my father, she had to work a lot of overtime so that she could support all of our needs and our wants. I mean my mom took us to amusement parks whenever we wanted to go, vacations every summer, she got me all the newest systems that came out, and every christmas or birthday we had she made sure that we got one big expensive gift even if her money was tight.
My mom is the best mother in the world hands down and people who disagree better have a real strong arguement. Any women who produce such a man like me definitely has to be special and this women is more than just special shes amazing. She has taught me the greatest lesson in the world that with hardwork and determination you can have as good as enough life as anybody else. Thank you ma for everything you have given me, especially life, I love you ma!

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